ArtificiaI Intelligence based B2B Life Cycle Automation

FluidX is a modular system of pre-configured data models and AI/ML-engines that support your B2B-business across six key areas.

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Take control over your B2B sales and services life-cycle

With FluidX you can leverage data created in your B2B systems (CRM, CPQ, PS Automation) to drive increased performance, productivity and customer experience. Use our AI/ML data-models and engines to create strategic and actionable insights.

An Icon showing a chart

Sales & Presales

B2B Enterprise sales remains complex and CRM systems have often not lived up to the promise to improve sales productivity. With the support of AI/ML we support your ROI on CRM and help to drive individual sales rep productivity.

A coin icon

PS offer team

The PS pricing and offer team (solution architects, engagement &  pricing specialists) are continuously loaded to create level of efforts (LoE) and statement of work (SoW). With AI/ML we automate this time-consuming process.

An icon showing a checkmark

PS delivery team

Delivering complex projects at expected customer satisfaction and financial performance remains a continuous challenge. We have created sophisticated but easy to use AI/ML engines to support these tasks.

Two glass doors inside a dark office

Discover the FluidX modules

FluidX is a modular system of pre-configured data models and AI/ML-engines that support your B2B-business across several key areas including sales forecasting and individual sales rep productivity.


FluidX Forecast

For years the Sales opportunity and forecasting process have relied on basic CRM data (sales stages, sales commit, win probability). Using AI/ML algorithm and all current and historic data in your CRM, we can dramatically enhance your sales management process.

FluidX Forecast is an easy to deploy solution to enhance your current quarter sales management process. Sales managers rely on the key CRM input (sales stages, sales commit, win probability) provided by their sales people, but as we all know those inputs are subjective and used in different manner by different sales individuals. Sales managers then apply their knowledge and past quarter experience to rationalize this forecast (taking a % of). With FluidX we automate this intrinsic process, we learn from past won and lost opportunities, we gather data from ALL fields in the system to ultimately score each and every opportunity in the current quarter forecast. We give a positive "beat the system" type of review challenge to the sales manager and his team.

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FluidX Forecast

Enhance your sales forecasting and sales management process using AI/ML data insights applied on all your CRM data assets

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FluidX Action

CRM systems put a significant demand on data capture, mostly by sales reps. Often sales reps fail to see the value they get out of the system. With FluidX Action we want to change that by giving each and every sales rep tangible beneficial recommendations every day to win more business.

FluidX Action is a standalone mobile app solution that supports each and every sales rep in your organization to drive tangible actions every day. We gather historical data from your CRM system and analyse all your won and lost opportunities. We use AI/ML driven graph databases to learn "what matters" most and then apply this knowledge to your current pipeline opportunities. We simplify the presentation of this data insights by giving each and every sales rep his personalized top 5 activity recommendations such as following up on an offer where client response is overdue, extending the strategic outreach to additional stakeholders into the account, .... we can integrate different data sources (CRM, mail, support systems) to learn "how good looks like" and use this to create daily hints for your sales reps

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FluidX Action

Drive daily individual sales rep productivity and increase the return on your CRM investments. Learn "how good looks like" and share it with your sales teams

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FluidX Price

Services specialists translate client solution requirements into level of effort estimates and consequently into project proposals. In most cases they rely on multiple homegrown tools and manual cut and paste from prior proposals. With FluidX Price we enhance the pricing process and combined with FluidX Offer we automate the full proposal process.

FluidX Price is using historic opportunity and project data to learn your standard offer building blocks. Instead of having corporate services offer teams spending time to create standardized SKU packages once per year and then deploy them using excel, word, pdf. documents, we create a visual, intelligent and automated quotation environment. True level of efforts are learned from prior projects and their respective data from the PS automation system. Scope and tasks are learned from prior statement of works. All is then presented to the PS specialists in a simple web portal environment. The PS specialist can move from project creation to level of effort estimate, price and quotation and ultimately to the statement of work in one environment. At any point in time the specialist can leverage AI/ML learned data but if required override it with specific client project estimates. Corporate governance and standards can easily be enforced during the offer automation process.

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FluidX Price

Enhance, automate and standardize your level of effort, price and quotation estimates for your services proposals. Learn true project efforts from your PS automation systems

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FluidX Offer

Offer creation is one of the most time-consuming and repetitive tasks, but in complex solution sales environments only highly skilled experts are fit to do the job. We dramatically improve turn-around times and the fun-factor to create these services proposals.

FluidX Offer is a closed-looped solution to fully automate the PS services proposal creation process. A significant amount of PS specialist time is applied to create offers and proposals. On average only 20% of the opportunities are won and a specific opportunity has to be reworked based on client requirement changes 3x-5x times. But in most cases the tools used (excel, word, home-grown configurators using fixed wired rules) while good enough to do the job, are neither user-friendly nor well fit to support the continuous stream of pricing requests from the sales team. In many cases the process relies more on the "art of the specialist" than the science or "same scope, same price". With FluidX Price and FluidX Offer we apply "as much science as available" to the historical data to automate the entire process, and we leave enough "as much art as wanted", so that PS experts can add value in drafting winning proposals. The PS expert can focus on quality and competitiveness of the proposal, while FluidX takes care of the automation of the details of the proposal.

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FluidX Offer

Take the pain out of the proposals process, standardize your offer creation in a simple visual, intelligent and automated environment

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FluidX CX

Most companies have established a customer satisfaction survey process (CSAT, NPS score,...) at the end of project execution, but with FluidX CX you can analyze the satisfaction of your client throughout the project.

FluidX CX is transforming how you measure customer satisfaction across your project portfolio. Established processes measure the satisfaction at the end of the process and while this is valuable information, often it comes too late to rectify the problem. We have asked ourselves "what if we can measure the client satisfaction in real-time" and have developed FluidX CX. Using AI/ML algorithm in the area of natural language processing we analyze the ongoing project communication to continuously "sense the temperature" of the client in a non-intrusive fashion. We do not need surveys, we do not require specific feedback, we learn from the project communication and score it accordingly. The information creates valuable insights to enhance typical project dashboard reports (red, yellow, green) or escalation incidents, but can also be applied for coaching of your project management teams.

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FluidX CX

Sense the satisfaction of your clients with the ongoing project portfolio on a continuous basis, not only at the closure of a specific project

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FluidX Margin

As a business manager you have business intelligence reports to analyze your revenue and margin profile across geographies and practices. We help you to understand not only WHERE but WHY you make or lose money

FluidX Margin is a powerful business intelligence solution to enable business users to apply complex AI/ML concepts without the need for IT or Data Science experts. We have created an easy-to use web portal where we empower business users to execute the whole data science process of data loading, cleaning, processing, analyzing and visualization. Our simplicity comes from the full focus on revenue and margin in professional services business. The web portal is fully visual, the intelligence is pre-trained based on PS automation data feeds. Business users can easily eliminate outliers, can increase data quality through filters and FluidX Margin can process PS controlling data on a per project level (one line data feed per project) or on a per task level (one line data feed for each tracked project task). All you need to do is provide a PS project controlling data file and follow our intuitive FluidX Margin analyzis process.

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FluidX Margin

Analyze not only where you make your margin, but also what are the real drivers behind profitable and non-profitable parts of your business

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3 reasons to bet on FluidX for your team

Our solutions are made with one goal in mind, empower business users to apply sophisticated AI/ML data insights. We increase individual and team performance by removing or automating complexity.


non intrusive setup

Our solutions are deployed with no/minimum adjustments needed to your operational systems. We leverage your systems data to generate data insights and present them in simple web portal or mobile app access.


open source technology

We are committed to open source technology as the most flexible way to leverage AI/ML technology while integrating as needed with your vendor / operational systems. All our solutions are easy to adapt to your specific requirements


pre-built engines

We want to provide to you the fastest possible deployment time while giving you the benefit of pre-built domain knowledge. We combine B2B with AI/ML expertise and package it into adaptable AI/ML engines.

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